
river water lady evergreen

It is with an inspired heart that I introduce Muse Sessions.


Life moves pretty quickly – if we don’t honor our gifts as best as we can, we do the world and ourselves a disservice.


Muse sessions are all about connecting to that spirit within you that wants to be a part of something bigger, creative and passionate.


Why are these sessions different?  They are more demanding of both you and me. We collaborate with ideas and images that inspire us – talk about what makes your heart sing.


You as Muse.

You inspire, we collaborate and create something exceptional that is an honor to your life, your family and your legacy.


From our session, we’ll cull our favorite images and I’ll add some editing magic. These images will then be featured in a gallery show, bringing you into the story of Art. This gallery event can be just for you, for everyone you know, and for everyone who can hear you shouting from the rooftops.


After the gallery show, these images will be yours – for you, for loved ones, for public display, the possibilities are endless.


And, because we love tangible, tactile things – pretty things wrapped up with string – you’ll receive a hardcover image book, holding our favorite Muse images. Something to enjoy anywhere.


If you connect to this – if you feel even a little pull when you read about this – please send me a note. Let’s chat. I am so passionate about creating this for you – honoring you and being inspired with you.
Ready to chat? Me too: katy@katymosesphotos.com


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